Motorcycle Enthusiast Magazines

About a week ago I noticed that the last issue of Rider magazine that I received was the March issue, my subscription is good until 2024.
I sent a e-mail to Rider magazine and have received no response, looks like another print magazine has bit the dust.
Can anyone on this forum provide any info?
Did you visit their website to see if there is any info there? I too subscribe to Rider but I don't think its been that long since I received an issue.

I visited their website and they extended my subscription two months for the two issues I missed, they said the two print issues were no longer available.
Apparently the June issue is at least available in digital format.
After I commented to you, lo and behold in my email a note from Rider wanting me to download the digital edition.

I have subscribed to Rider for ever...since the days of Joe Minton. Now, I still do but only cause it is dirt cheep and it has Clem. The road tests are meh and all they really are is hawking clothing in the pics. Not alot of meat anymore and seldom anything negative. I dont like reading books/magazines that arent paper. I just finished a 350 page doctoral thesis on US Flyers interned in Switzerland in WWII. It was really well written but my tablet is a PITA. Give me paper.
(For me, Motorcycle mags are about dead. I like technical stuff and few of the kids do. The trip reports do nothing for me any more. Maybe I am just a cynical old fart in my old age.
Coaster, I also have not gotten my printed copy of Rider, but links they sent me to electronic versions. I was wondering also if they have gone belly up or just during the Coronavirus have changed to digital. I used to get RoadRunner but gave up on that one even with their nice photography. Both magazines are basically trying to sell you on a new bike and have little educational information. The only real value I find from Rider is the column by Eric Trow about safety and road strategy. Honestly, I am ready to let Rider also expire. Like others, I have kept all the back issues in the bottom of my closet and do go back from time to time for ideas of trips. 4 - 5 years of both is enough. Wishing there was a better "how to" magazine.
Coaster, I also have not gotten my printed copy of Rider, but links they sent me to electronic versions. I was wondering also if they have gone belly up or just during the Coronavirus have changed to digital. I used to get RoadRunner but gave up on that one even with their nice photography. Both magazines are basically trying to sell you on a new bike and have little educational information. The only real value I find from Rider is the column by Eric Trow about safety and road strategy. Honestly, I am ready to let Rider also expire. Like others, I have kept all the back issues in the bottom of my closet and do go back from time to time for ideas of trips. 4 - 5 years of both is enough. Wishing there was a better "how to" magazine.
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#me too. Clem is good. I like the retro articles. Due to Lawyers, being politically correct and not offending anyone, espeically advertisers, and not enough scribes that acutally know something the content is dumbed down. I doubt that anyone at Rider has a subscription to SAE. I would like to see more "news you can use" articles, like how hard is it to use the three/four basic ways to plug a tire? How dangerous are they? What is meant by a 26,500 valve check interval? Why do like bikes have 16,000 mi. valve check intervals. Why do Ford engines with shims never need to be checked? What bikes have which chronic issues, (Like the early VFRs having charging system problems. ) The web says there is still a print addition of the mag.
Below is what Rider posted on their Facebook page. It was posted yesterday.

Dear Rider Magazine Subscribers,
Thank you for your loyalty and your readership. Rider magazine is going on its 47th year of monthly publication and we have no intention of stopping anytime soon. We apologize for the issues with your print subscription. Due to the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic, Rider Magazine is currently being produced in a digital format exclusively--links to the most recent and earlier editions are below. Our former customer service provider shut its doors shortly after we went digital, which is why the old contact number and email address n the March 2020 and earlier issues go unanswered. The new Customer Service contact information is below.
We are working as hard as we can to get Rider back in print, but we're experiencing the same uncertainty about the immediate future as everyone else. Links to every digital issue have been available for free on our website since March 2020, and still are. Please be patient as we Ride This Out together.
As a current subscriber, you should be receiving links by email to the digital magazine on a monthly basis. If you are not, please contact our customer service center to make sure that we have accurate contact information for you.
Email or call (763) 383-4492. If you call, please be sure to leave a message with your call back info, and please remember that the people handling the calls did not create this situation. They will return your call as soon as possible.
They can also help you if you wish to make changes to your subscription. Thank you for your patience, and thanks for continuing to read Rider!

Here are links to the digital editions of Rider April - July 2020:
About a week ago I noticed that the last issue of Rider magazine that I received was the March issue, my subscription is good until 2024.
I sent a e-mail to Rider magazine and have received no response, looks like another print magazine has bit the dust.
Can anyone on this forum provide any info?
I thought so too, but they didn't print a paper copy of the magazine in April, May, June, or July (I think... at least I didn't get a copy in the mail). They only have those issues online.
I wonder if they will extend our subscriptions to the print mags? The online mags are OK but I still like the print editions. Too much trouble settin' up the PC and monitor in the bathroom where I read.


Mike I doubt they are going to extend the print edition subscriptions. If it stays digital only I will most likely not renew my subscription when it expires. I can hardly get through a couple of pages of the digital version before I give up.
The reply I got from Rider is that the digital only is temporary until the virus crisis ends. We'll get our good 'ol paper copies soon. Hopefully real soon. I don't like the flash player online version at all. But then again, I use paper maps when I travel too.
Just got a similar response from Rider - they said print is coming back! Yippie, I much prefer holding a magazine than my iPad. This was from a customer service, person late yesterday, "We return to print with the June and July issues which will mail this week. Here are the links these issues till they arrive" - Jim
I just read that Cycle World is no longer going to print their quarterly magazine. They are going digital. I dropped my subscription when they went from monthly to quarterly and increased the price. I have no interest in the digital version either.
The other day I reached out to Rider magazine to see when they might start printing the magazine again. Below is the response I received

Hi Warren,

We have resumed printing. The September issue has mailed; you should see it soon.

Have a good afternoon!

Robin Cooper
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