[Review] National V-Stream Winshield

May 1, 2013
McAllen, Texas
2010 Silver NT700
Admittedly, I am a slow learner. Therefore, I went through two Cee Bailey +6s that shattered or cracked before I tried something else.

Next was the Laminar Lip - which actually worked quite well, except it is ugly and very difficult to clean where the Lip joins the windshield.

I had wondered about the V-Stream from sometime, but I have auxiliary lights mounted on the mirror brackets and wasn't sure the V-Stream would clear them. I took the leap, bought one - and it fits perfectly.

I've had it on the bike for a month or so, but only recently was able to test it on a longer ride. A two day, 700 mile ride convinced me I've made a good purchase. It keeps the wind off just was well as my old 6+ Cee Bailey, and I don't even have the V-Stream in the topmost position. I'm six foot, with Heli-bar risers on the NT, so I sit in a very upright position. I didn't notice any optical distortion, except in the very lowest places that I'm not going to be looking through anyway.

Now - to see how it does long-term. The Cee Bailey's were fine until they broke after prolonged riding. We'll see how the V-Stream does. I know it is manufactured from polycarbonate rather than acrylic. We'll see if that makes any difference.
I don't have a problem with my stock shield height-wise, but I would like to know if any shield covers a wider area. IOW- does anything shield your shoulders or arms better? Or am I looking for the impossible?

Yes, it does. It keeps the wind off my shoulders better than the stock, and about the same as my old Cee Bailey.
Is that windshield taller and or wider than the stock shield? Does anyone know if it is available in a light or dark grey smoke tint?
Will be replacing my stock shield, but not sure which brand to go with. Friend of mine has suggested "Gustofson".
I haven’t heard of the “Gustofson” shield. My CeeBailey +4” screen has worked fine for me – except for the fact that this is my 3rd one in 113,000 miles. Two have cracked and when this one does, I’ll try the V-Stream windshield.
Is that windshield taller and or wider than the stock shield? Does anyone know if it is available in a light or dark grey smoke tint?
Will be replacing my stock shield, but not sure which brand to go with. Friend of mine has suggested "Gustofson".

They have both a light tint and a dark tint.

The V-Stream is taller than the OEM screen and it is wider, particularly up near the shoulder area.
I got a V Stream about a year ago and it has the best quiet zone on any bike I have ever had. I replaced a Cee Bailey after it cracked on a day of higher speed driving.
I bought the V-Stream based on this post.....when riding double my wife was getting too much wind with the stock windshield .

I am 5'-8", and in the lowest position the windshield is just about the correct height for looking over the top. Up a couple of notches and my wife gets less wind - but the windshield is at an annoying height for me that places the top of the windshield right where I need to look. With the windshield all the way up I am definitely looking through the windshield - but that will be OK on really cold days.

I did notice the windshield edges wiggle around more than the stock one....the edges move as the wind buffets the shield - but not annoyingly so. It also may keep too much wind off me for the hot summer days, and I may put the stock windshield back on when the 90 degree temperatures arrive, or for when I ride alone on longer trips as the stock windshield works fine for me.
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They have both a light tint and a dark tint.

The V-Stream is taller than the OEM screen and it is wider, particularly up near the shoulder area.

Been checking the web sight as well as several dealer/distributors. Do not find any with a tint. All I see are clear.
Anyone have a link?
Been checking the web sight as well as several dealer/distributors. Do not find any with a tint. All I see are clear.
Anyone have a link?

Hmmmm - you may be right. I too did a search, and while there are lots of vendors, they all sell only clear windscreens for the NT. Even the National Cycle web site only lists clear for the NT.

You might want to give them a call and see if they could make a custom tinted windshield for you. 708-343-0400
When I bought my V-Stream I only remember clear being available. My guess would be that they sell so few of them having a tinted option was probably not practical. I commuted all winter with the V-Stream and it was far superior at blocking the cold air and rain as compared to the stock or Cee Bailey +2 shield I have. I am 5'7" and I can see over the top of the V-Stream in the first three positions although its best in the second position. I Never had to have it higher than that as it directed the elements over the top of my head in position 2. I do not like looking through the wind screen. Not sure if I am going to switch back to stock shield when it gets hot or not. The V-Stream blocks about all the air over my chest making wearing my R3 with an airbag vest pretty hot. The stock screen in the lowest position does allow air to hit my chest. Those Vetter Vents look interesting but I am not sure about drilling large holes in my windscreen.
Guess I should clarify my post.

National V Stream does indeed sell tinted windscreens, but not, apparently, for the NT.
I've had about 150 miles since I got a Vstream mounted. I like it. I think if has less vibration/wiggle/whatever-you-want-to-call-it than the Cee Bailey did. I notice that turbulence around my helmet is considerably less. On long rides, I think that turbulence is one of the biggest contributors to fatigue. The Vstream is an improvement for me.
I just ordered the VStream . . . glad i did after just seeing the above thread posts. My biggest hope is to cut down the wind noise inside my helmet with this new shield keeping the wind away. The other buffeting improvement will just be a bonus for me. Thanks guys for writing your reviews!!!
I've had mine on for about a week and so far I'm pleased.

Bought my V-Stream last Spring and love it. I'm 5'9" with average waist length, I keep it two clicks up from the bottom so I can look about two inches over the shield. It directs air just over the top of my helmet, it also allows me to leave my helmet visor open one notch for some extra cooling when it's hot out without any wind noise. Even with the visor open, I have clear reception on my Scala bluetooth without wind noise. I can whisper while on my phone, my daughter asked why I was yelling over the phone so I whispered and she said it was crystal clear. Get product! BB
Boy, it's expensive reading this forum! No, really I am glad that everyone helps and passes along good information about "fixes" for their NT's.
I also placed an order today for the V-Stream. Is someone going to get a commission for all of these new orders? Thanks Comanche!
The only disadvantage I have found with the V-Stream is that due to its 4" taller height in the summer its a lot hotter to ride behind even when in the lowest position. I get zero airflow over my chest and all the upper vents in my riding suit are worthless. I am only 5'7" tall so taller riders may not have the same problem. This summer I will probably put the stock windshield back on to improve the airflow when commuting and use the V-Stream the other three seasons. Fortunately changing out the windshield on the NT is really easy.
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