You simply omitted the fact, that you've a complete throttle grip assembly there... how should we know? My crystal ball is out for service...
Place rag or towel over tank (protection), end-weights off, open RHS switch pod (2x JIS from the underside), detach bar-clamps on upper triple, lay it on tank plus shift to the left, depending on how the throttle cables are set you should normally have enough clearance to slip the switch and throttle tube off the bar and detach open and closing cable with needle-pliers... (did so on my GF's NT700VA without much of an issue when installing heated grips)...
Assemble in reverse order, see that the steel pin inside the switch-pod engages into the bore on the underside of the handle before screwing the bolts back in...
Swivel bar left to right which checking that the throttle snaps shut freely in all positions (neither should the idle change when steering fully left<>right...)
hope zis helps...