[How To] Adding a Map to your signature


Dec 12, 2010
Carrollton, TX
'21 RT
Adding maps to our posts to show states/provinces visited has become pretty popular. Some members' maps show areas visited life to date, others show their current year's travels.

Maps of the US, Mexico and Canada can be obtained here: linky

If you travel to more than one country, you can create individual maps of same and use Paint or your favorite picture editor (Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, etc.) to edit and merge.

To keep colors from bleeding, save the file in PNG format.

Alternatively you can:
-Google search "North American map" for image
-Find one you like and save it to your desktop
-Open it with your "paint" program
-Color it the way you want using the "fill with color" jug
-Save it for uploading

Once you have your map the way you want it, you'll need to upload it to your signature on the forum.
-Click on "Settings" (upper right top of the banner above, second option from the right)
-Edit Signature (left side)
-Scroll down the page to "Signature Picture"
-Option 2 allows you to upload your image file
-You can then preview your new map and save it as your signature

Have fun!!
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