Black Ice Personal Cooling System

  • Thread starter ChikinsR4dinner
  • Start date


There are a lot of different systems out there for keeping cool. As a relative newbie - I really try and manage my farkle to miles ratio well. I first started using Black Ice 3 years ago for Clemson Football games. Now for those of you not familiar with football in the South.... 1- it's HOT. You can't move, and are surrounded by 85000 screaming lunatics who put off a lot of additional body heat. 2- it's not an event, but a lifestyle. While the game may only last for 3-4 hours - your home to home timeframe runs between 8 and 12 hours. That's a long time to be outside in the heat and humidity. Found the Black Ice personal coolong system, and it worked GREAT. Then found it great for working in the yard....and this year - on the bike too! Now - they have a hi-vis color in the lineup. I find that 2 or 3 packs in the little cooler with a frozen bottle of water can last me all day. Here's the link to check it out

Happy Riding!
Looks a little bulky, like it might interfere with the back of your helmet?
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